Creativity in the Industry
There are a wide variety of jobs available. Estimators, draftsmen, foremen, designers, pipe welders, managers, salesmen, plumbers, pipefitters, engineers and accountants are but a few of the possible careers in this field.
Some may not typically think of these as creative jobs, but they are. Consider that every individual on the contractor’s team plays an important and significant role in the creation of the final living structure that is being built, and has a hand in the creation of something that didn’t exist before. When the job is completed, the finished building stands as a monument to all the men and women who were part of its creation.
One of the great personal rewards experienced by people in this industry is that throughout their careers, they can pass a huge hotel or hospital, a well-designed shopping mall, a vital power station or lifesaving pharmaceutical plant and say, “I helped to build that.” In today’s society, not many people get to experience such tangible evidence of their efforts. But those in the mechanical contracting field have the opportunity to experience the greatest form of satisfaction, pride in a worthwhile accomplishment, almost every day.